Biting Back at Time
Okay, okay, I'm sorry! I have neglected my blog for several months. It's not that I haven't had anything to write about. I moved, and the challenges and traumas and joys of that could have provide several days' worth of entries. The HP spy scandal fascinated and repulsed me for several weeks -- let me count the ways. Living in New Jersey, the whole equal-rights-for-gays decision handed down by the court last week and whether marriage between gays should be allowed certainly provided good fodder. And, best news of all, Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams, who has been suffering from a rare affliction that takes away the ability to speak, got his voice back!
I blame time. It's time's fault. Time is stingy with itself -- whenever I ask for more, I am denied. Time is inconsistent -- at times it speeds up (especially when I'm doing something pleasureable, so I feel cheated out of some of it), at times it is so pokey that it torments me (especially during nights when insomnia plagues me).
Okay, I can't blame time. We all get the same amount each day.
Anyway, I'm back. I'm baaaaaaaack! So stay tuned.