Musings on topics of small or large importance. Especially partial to subjects that include baby boomers, public figures, friends, Corporate America, the Denver Broncos, NASCAR, my previous home towns of New York City and Columbia (Maryland), stupidity (mine and others'), diets and health and who knows what else!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

"Urine here..."? Shame on you!

At the wonderful International Builders' Show put on by the National Association of Homebuilders in Orlando, Florida, a week or so ago, where I was with 100,000 of my closest friends, I was taken aback when I went into one of the ladies' rooms in the Orange County Convention Center and saw, on the mirror over one of the sinks (over a SINK!!!) a maroon sign that said:

"Urine here, you should be there,
[with an arrow pointing down, into the sink]
booth W4494 in the Tech Home Expo

Where's a camera when I need one? I knew I should have gotten that camera phone.

Clearly it belonged at the very least in the men's room above a urinal, where the arrow would point there instead of into a sink (geez, a sink!). I should let the folks at SketchUp defend themselves, hopefully tell me that it was the mischievous act of a misguided competitor, but since this is a blog, I will just say that I think it's tacky at best and offensive for certain for them to have produced the sign in the first place, for any rest room. I can assure you that the women who saw the sign while I was gauging reactions in the ladies room were put off, not amused and perplexed as to why it was there. After I saw it twice, a (female) show official removed it. She didn't wad it up and throw it away. Wonder what she did with it.