Musings on topics of small or large importance. Especially partial to subjects that include baby boomers, public figures, friends, Corporate America, the Denver Broncos, NASCAR, my previous home towns of New York City and Columbia (Maryland), stupidity (mine and others'), diets and health and who knows what else!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Endings and Beginnings

With one day left before 2008 begins, I was thinking today that I'd like to do a kind of post-mortem on 2007. Ask myself what was good about the year, what I accomplished, what progress I made, what things I'd absolutely said I'd do that I didn't, what I didn't do all of but feel good about anyway, etc.

And I was thinking that I want to look ahead to 2008 and put down in writing what I'd like to accomplish or have happen in my life and in the world in 2008, whether I feel I can control the creation and outcome or not. I gave up on New Year's resolutions years ago. But I find it miraculous that when I write down what I want to happen, a year later when I look at my list, I see that somehow the universe has helped many of those things come about without my doing much, at least not consciously. Good deal!

Then I got a New Year's message from a friend, one I've known for many years, though not well. It was one of those graphical e-mails that he sent to many people from his consulting firm that bears his name. In it, he referred to something in his blog. He's a positive person, a motivator, an inspiring guy, so I clicked on the link, and -- don't you love so-called coincidences? -- his blog entry suggested some of the very things I'd been thinking about.

Great minds...etc.

So go check it out! And...Happy New Year!!