Stereotypes Alive and Well in BMW-land
Have you seen the TV commercial that has two children, a girl and a boy, under the Christmas tree opening a present that so excites them that they scream for half if not most of the commercial?
It took seeing it at least four times before I could have told you that it was for BMW instead of some toy for adults or children. Well, you could certainly call a BMW a toy for adults, albeit quite an expensive one, but it's not something you can put in a box under the Christmas tree.
The screaming is obnoxious enough. But what bothers me more and more as I keep seeing it on TV is the way the boy and girl are portrayed. The boy is clearly the dominant figure in the commercial; the girl is clearly the follower. The boy has possession of the box, even though it's apparent that it's for both of them. He makes big, possessive, circular motions on the top of the box while shrilly screaming, whereas the girl's hands remain on the periphery of the box. He merely screams. She's the one who yells "Thank you!" over and over. He never even looks at her, not once. She is focused on what he is doing through the whole 30 seconds. He raises his fist and thrusts it while loudly chanting, "Yes! Yes! Yes!" She does the same but only in sync with the gestures and timing of the boy.
BMW, what the heck are you thinking?!? Don't you know that in the majority of cases the woman makes the primary decision as to what car is purchased, even if it isn't for her? Why would you perpetuate the stereotypes of the boy being in charge and the girl following his lead? Even the fact that she's the one crying "Thank you!" only plays to the idea that men can be unruly and do what they want and women follow along behind doing the right thing in the situation, being the polite, obedient, thoughtful, considerate one.
Rude boys grow into rude men, and docile little people-pleasing girls grow up to need therapy. Fortunately, I know many men who weren't allowed to get away with screaming bloody murder even if it was in delight. And many who could and to some degree still do. And unfortunately, I know some women who are as rude as any obstreperous young boy ever thought of being. And many nice ones. And they all buy cars. I don't know about them, but this commercial makes me want to go look at Nissans or Cadillacs or Lexuses or Jaguars, but not BMWs.
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