Musings on topics of small or large importance. Especially partial to subjects that include baby boomers, public figures, friends, Corporate America, the Denver Broncos, NASCAR, my previous home towns of New York City and Columbia (Maryland), stupidity (mine and others'), diets and health and who knows what else!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

HCG "Diet" Day 1 - This Has Got to Get Easier!

After two uncomfortable days of eating way more than I ever have in that time to fulfill the requirements of the Beta HCG plan, today was Day 1 of the "diet" part. And it was rough!

I was hungry, for one thing. My mouth wasn't hungry but my stomach was. I wasn't hungry for anything and food didn't really appeal to me all that much. (I saw a tv commercial for Pizza Hut and it didn't do anything for me.) But my stomach was rumbling off and on all day. I can live with that, knowing it won't be that way probably beyond tomorrow.

Then there was the drinking-water thing. Not just water. Can also be black coffee, tea and sparkling water. The only sweetener can be Stevia or Saccharin. Where do you even find Saccharin these days? What about Splenda? And Aspartame? I like diet colas. I like flavored water, like Fruit2O. I like diet cranberry-grape juice mixed with white grape sparkling water, both artifically sweetened but not with Stevia or Saccharin. I am not wild about plain water. I load up my coffee with whole milk or half-and-half. And I loathe tea other than tea that is disguised as something else. But I'm supposed to be drinking a minimum of two liters a day of the stuff I don't like. Two liters? OMG!

OK, so I went to the store and bought plain filtered water and plain sparkling water. I can have the juice of one lemon a day. Well, that'll certainly help.

So I did everything I was supposed to do today and didn't do anything I wasn't supposed to, at least I think so. And I felt pretty rotten. Lightheaded all day. Not dizzy but a degree or two this side of dizzy. And I felt nauseous all afternoon. And of course I had to pee every little while.

I am willing to go through this on the first day. After all, I'm completely changing the way I eat. I will put up with it for another day or two if necessary, but by then I should be adjusted to my new regime. By then if I'm not, I can call the doctor's office and see what they suggest.

So Day 1 is almost over and I survived it. I am glad it's Saturday. I gave myself permission to do whatever I wanted today, including nothing -- other than go to the grocery store to get what is on the "approved" list. I watched all of the episodes of the Rosie show on OWN all afternoon when I was feeling so lightheaded, and laughing did me good. Tonight I have a NASCAR race to distract me. I will go to bed as soon as it's over.

And then tomorrow will be Day 2. And I will be one day closer to the new, improved me.


Anonymous said...

Judy! Dont let your mind play games with you. You will not be hungry but your mind is telling you that you will.

Weigh every morning without fail because the weight will fall off and that is most encouraging.

Reading your blog so reminds me of the psychology of this program. You will get through it. Be excited!!


Judy said...

John, I am excited! I still maintain that these discomforts are physical, not psychological. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!